Finding Beauty in the Ordinary
That’s my goal. To find the things that bring beauty. That cause me to stop, take a deep breath, and remember what that thing was and why it was beautiful. Sometimes I write about it, sometimes I paint it, sometimes I photograph it. And often, yes, I just take in that moment without any documentation of it. But I like to chase the light, to look for things that bring joy, and then to share them with others in hopes of encouraging them as well.
And in doing so, we bring praise to God for the beautiful things He has created.
What to do with
the beauty we find…
Paint it. Photograph it.
To remember that beautiful image longer, or to go back on the hard days and reflect on that good day where beauty was found.
Write about it. Journal it.
Sometimes the flow of writing can help us process things in a way that draws out the good that we don’t at first see. Often just journaling scripture helps us find the wonderous in the mundane. My hope for this space is to blog and sometimes even wrestle through the thistles and thorns in my side to find the beauty that’s in the ashes. To be honest and real with my story in hopes that it will encourage you in yours.
Read it.
I’ve written, illustrated, and self-published a few books as my way of sharing the beautiful, though hard, things that we’ve endured. A memoir about entering motherhood where I have to learn to find thanks in each season. A children’s book to help teach siblings and others about special needs. A coloring book to help remind us that there is beauty there, and it’s calming to carry that thought as you color the pages.